Sunday, April 06, 2008

No April Fool

Time to dust off the old laptop and put down a few lines on the blog. I'm sitting here by the window at the cottage on a beautiful spring morning watching the birds. Jane is at work. Despite all the talk of global warming, high gas prices and looming recession, things look pretty good in our neck of the woods when the sun is shining! Praise God. Last week Lorne came up for a stay, and we caught up on all the news and had a nice barbeque. The old red Benz is just about ready to be put away for the summer. We will get the Banana Benz out for the summer and hopefully run it on pure Veggie Oil. I'm excited.


At 1:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well nice to see you back on your blog...when are we going to get to see you..Frank is still waiting for a lesson on the camera you suggested he buy...We are here until April 29th. We have two events happening before we depart. A get to-gether for with the winter seasonal campers on the 12th of Apr. and a orientation for camphosts on the 26th of Apr. So, see if you can work something out..Love you, Mom


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