A lovely trio of dentally challenged dogs. It's been an unusually warm November here in Pleasant Valley, and we're not sure why. Last night we had a very smooth church council meeting. Our pastor, Richard, is exhorting us (in his laid-back way) to be more vocal about our faith. Thank you Jesus! I've felt all along that we just need to do what God is asking us to do in the scriptures...not lean on our own understanding. We had a productive band practice as well, and things are progressing well musically. We have a few gigs coming up in November and December. Jane and I have built a large deluxe hamster cage from a rubbermaid storage bin and hardware cloth from instructions she found online. Hammy loves it! Today at work some of the tenants decided to cash in their empties. One fellow acts as a repository for the project and buys everyone's empties and stores them in his apartment (kind of like a bank). They ended up with 72 cases. You had to be there
that's gross!
those are fake teeth!
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