Sunny Sunday

The Century: One of my favourite old cameras: Lots of shiny brass!
To all our good-looking readers: another bright sunny day in the Stonetown. We enjoyed the outdoors today, putting the snow tires on the car and taking Linda's dog, Molly for a walk in the country. We went to the closed section of the River Road, and were really happy to see the old iron bridge being repaired properly by Kelly Construction of Mitchell. The workers have removed all the rusted pieces of metal and replaced them with new metal and bolts. Can't wait to tour out that road once again! We thank God and give all praises to Him who has given us so much here! The Benz is sick this month with a sore transmission and is doing a lot of whining about it. Hopefully she'll feel better as soon as we feed her some new parts. Lizzy is learning to stay out of the attic. She was sleeping on some fiberglass insulation and inhaled too much of it, causing her to wheeze.

A view of the Century with it's bellows extended
Nice camera!
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