Thursday, November 30, 2006

I saw the light

Gabby came home today with a bad case of the flu. She is on the couch recovering right now. Jane spent the last couple of days at the Little Inn in Bayfield with her sisters and mother on a girl's pre-Christmas shopping excursion in celebration of Marg's birthday. The weather is turning cold again...tomorrow is December!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Otra Foto

Another photo of the band in front of Darcy's barn.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Break in the Weather!

The field behind the cottage, all done it's work for the year, nicely plowed and put to bed for the winter
We spent the weekend at the cottage finishing the chimney for the wood stove. This was the culmination of a two-month episode involving waiting for parts, special-ordering custom flashings for the steep-pitched metal roof and fabricating a collar. All was finally installed, and we lit our first fire...on the warmest week-end in two months!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Band Photo

Blackwater Ridge

Well we finally got the band together on Sunday for a photo. Now we can make a poster to advertise our gigs. After the shoot we all went out to Darcys for a practice and supper. Darcy, excellent cook that he is, treated us to a fine repast of venison ribs (no, not roadkill).

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Rain, Rain go away!

The New Deck

The rain quit long enough on Friday to allow me to finally get some more boards screwed down! The weather hasn't been co-operating with the build, and on schedule, this morning arrived with a deluge of heavy on to the indoor work...sigh.

Municipal election fever is in full swing here in Happy Valley, and the three-way race between the mayoralty candidates is a hot topic of local conversation. Of course the candidate that we vote for never wins- why is that?

Tomorrow the band will gather for a photo shoot and afternoon practice- we have groomed the sound to the point where we feel confident to play out- we also have a new fiddle player- Glenn- he is an ace.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Gabby THIS Hallowe'en