Jane and her sister Linda at the lake (can you tell I'm pining for summer?)
Had a scare with the Blogger and haven't posted for awhile...kept getting blank screens. Added a test post and it came back on...I hate computers when they don't do what I think they should.
We're getting some real January weather now in Happy Valley, and everyone seems quite pleased. Lorenzo and Nancy made it home safely from their trip to Ecuador and Chile. Niece Erin is in Peru and reports that she has had her camera stolen from her bag which was on the floor of the bus between her feet. Menudos ladrones! Carajo!
I'm taking a night off from insulating the cottage; I think I breathed in too much fiberglass dust last night.
We've been really enjoying the Stash brand of Chai green tea lately...it is really nicely spiced and always fresh, having been sealed in foil pouches.
So now that the blog is working again, I'm happy.