Friday, January 26, 2007

Janis Joplin - Cry, Baby

No explanation needed.

Goat's Head Soup

Chris and George and friends

I did a photo shoot for Chris' restaurant awhile back at George's goat cheese dairy. We had a hoot, and I couldn't stop laughing because the goats kept trying to eat the buttons off of Chris' shirt. George makes some mighty fine chevre.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Summer is just around the corner

Jane and her sister Linda at the lake (can you tell I'm pining for summer?)

Had a scare with the Blogger and haven't posted for awhile...kept getting blank screens. Added a test post and it came back on...I hate computers when they don't do what I think they should.

We're getting some real January weather now in Happy Valley, and everyone seems quite pleased. Lorenzo and Nancy made it home safely from their trip to Ecuador and Chile. Niece Erin is in Peru and reports that she has had her camera stolen from her bag which was on the floor of the bus between her feet. Menudos ladrones! Carajo!

I'm taking a night off from insulating the cottage; I think I breathed in too much fiberglass dust last night.

We've been really enjoying the Stash brand of Chai green tea is really nicely spiced and always fresh, having been sealed in foil pouches.

So now that the blog is working again, I'm happy.

Harry Manx - Bring That Thing

Harry played in Stratford last week, and we missed him...damn!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Love that Ska!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Our Daughter...A Cop?

Gabriela has just one more term to complete her Police Foundations Diploma. She may continue her education, however. We are so happy for her. We are finally getting some snow (about time). All this heat makes me think about engine size and efficiency in personal vehicles. I saw an Infinity Q56 SUV on Friday with one person in it. The size of the thing contributed to climate change by altering local wind patterns. Birds flew into it by mistake. I started bitching about it and and then Jane reminded me that I still drive Bud's old van (the one with the 360 V8 in it), so I have no right to make judgements. Good point.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Enero enero enero

My sister Victoria and Gabriela

It was a fine weekend!! Gabby came to the cottage with her friend Blair and sat on the beach in January...where is our snow?? Jane and I completed the in-floor heating system with the help of a retired plumber...hopefully we will get the solar panels hooked up to it in the future. Sister-in-law Linda came for a visit today, and helped with the vapour barrier.

Celia Cruz - La Vida Es Un Carnaval

Ahora, es finalmente el tiempo de monstrar mi homenaje al Ritmo Latino! Con amor, Pablo.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Ska is serious thing

Judy Collins - Someday Soon

One of my favorite Ian Tyson songs.

Boxing Day at Bruce's

A pile of Bedford cousins with uncle Newt in background

Gabriela and her cousin Amber sneaking turkey!

The annual Bedford Boxing Day blow-out was held this year at Grandpa Bruce's northern retreat. A large turnout enjoyed a perfect holiday dinner and a flea-market gift selection afterward. Alas, the ranch is for sale and this period in Dad's live will soon end. What next?

I'm listening to Hugo Neve's Sunshine Reggae podcast from Portugal (see link at side) as I write this. It's perfect for diminishing the January blahs. Try it.