Nephew Frank with Grandpa John outside his workshop (Image stolen from his dad's (Big Willy) blog)
Lizzie is bored. She won't go outside because it's too cold for her dainty little culo. Because of this, she is extremely bored. She spends her days sleeping and tormenting Jane and I by chewing up all the paper in our office. What a mess. Does anyone reading this have any ideas on how to stop her?? If we're not careful she might end up eating something important, like a bill from the Canada Revenue Agency. The residents of St. Joseph's Convent are busy getting ready for Christmas. Lights are being put up, decorations dusted off...we might even get a new sofa! On Sunday night, the ministerial association put on a community Christmas service at the Presbyterian church. Wonderful! All the churches in town put forward their best singers and scripture readers to tell us the story of Jesus' birth. A highlight for me was Dave MacPherson singing 'O Holy Night', accompanying himself on the guitar. Dave did a wonderful job of balancing voice and instrument, and didn't make one mistake, no small feat considering the many chord progressions in the hymn.